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Annual Poetry Contest


By Dave Beskind  West Simsbury, CN
2002 Contest: Honorable Mention Place

Mediation, I used to think.
was worth a li'l more than the kitchen sink
But now, mediation, I suppose,
is not much more than pantyhose.
And seashell collections, and wicker chairs,
and argyle socks-- .
"I'll take two pair!"
The Calgon bubbles,
the dog's leash and collar;
hot sauce and oregano:
"That costs 5 who1e dollars!"
You know what else I can't forget
is the Monopoly game and the Badminton set
Cookbooks, hairpins, and cat shampoo
I won't leave these items for "YOU KNOW WHO"
It could've been different; it could've been better
Now we're reduced to fine print and court letters
We play a chess game called "Who wins the purse"
I guess that's what's meant by "for better or worse.'